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Government advisor joins lobby for council housing
Government advisor Sir John Armitt, says more council housing is essential, to reach the Government's annual target of 300,000 new homes.
Armitt, chair of the National Infrastructure Commission, today makes public the rising pressure on Ministers for investment in council housing as a central part of the Prime Minister's Build Build Build programme. He says there is no point hoping
10 July 2020
Write to MPs and Lords - 3 May
Contact MPs and Lords to oppose the Housing Bill and attend the Kill the Housing Bill meeting in parliament on 3rd May. Find MPs and Lords email addresses here or use this link .
MPs who oppose the Bill can be invited to join the lobby, and will be able to use letters from constituents as proof of widespread opposition. You can add personal information about how the Bill will affect you and others, which MPs can use in the debate.
Download the model letter/email below.

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Support Housing Bill motion
Add your support to Kill the Housing Bill. This is an issue for union members across Britain, trapped in private renting or under threat of attacks on council and housing association housing in the Bill.
Put this model motion here to your union and join resistance to the Housing Bill. Download more...
Council writes to all tenants
Campaigners against the Housing Bill are calling on local councils to speak out and organise public meetings.
A letter sent to all tenants by Islington Council, led to a meeting attended by 600 people.

All councils and housing associations can and should write to all residents. See Islington letter here.

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Organise to beat the Housing Bill
1. Contact tenant reps, unions and community organisations, with poster , petition and leaflets

2. Write to local papers, use facebook, hold local meetings

3. Do street stalls and knock doors with petition and leaflets

4.Get in touch for speakers and help:

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Housing Bill Briefing and leaflets
Order copies of Kill the Housing Bill leaflet and Briefing now. Leaflets 100=£2.50; 500 = £6; Briefing 50=£2.50; 100 = £5; or get price for more from

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Affiliate and Donate
Unlike local authorities we can't dip into the Housing Revenue Account and use tenants rents to campaign. DCH relies on affiliation fees, donations and sale of publications to get the arguments across. Raise support in your tenants association, union branch, Trades Council and political party. Download more...
Council Housing Reforms Must Guarantee Funding
The long-delayed detailed proposals on Council Housing Finance Reform put some new money on the table but fail to ensure all council homes are improved to a decent standard. There are welcome promises in Housing Minister John Healey's written statement on 25th March BUT lots of problems.
Use the DCH Questions To Ask On Self-Financing to make sure your council fully consults tenants on the proposals; and to help tenants' groups, trade unions, councillors and MPs respond to the consultation by 6th July. Download for more.
28 Mar 2010
Conference launches Manifesto for Council Housing
250 delegates from 59 areas at the biggest and broadest DCH conference so far, signed up to a Manifesto for Council Housing on 19th March in central London. In a debate with Steve Partridge (Chartered Institute of Housing), tenant reps and councillors, DCH launched a guide to Questions to Ask on Self Financing to help tenants, trade unions, councillors and MPs respond to the controversial Government Reforms. To see conference papers and slides... Download for more.
19 Mar 2010
Tenants Vote NO To Partial Transfer
Tenants on the Ferguslie estate in Renfrewshire, Scotland, have voted NO to privatisation.

17 Nov 2009
Campaigners vow to continue work of DCH
The first national meeting since the sad death of Alan Walter agreed to step up the work of DCH MORE >>
09 May 2009
Brown orders thousands of new council houses
DCH welcomes Brown's commitment to council housing MORE >>
30 Jan 2009
Southwark march 25 March
London Mayor's Consultation
Labour Conference meeting

Housing Act Summit 22 October

Action and events - Axe Housing Act
Axe Housing Act postcard
Right to Buy2: Stop sell-offs
Council Housing: Time To Invest
Explore DCH Site...
Stop Privatisation
Transfer, ALMOs, PFI, NO Votes

Invest In Council Housing
Housing Finance, Responses to Self-Financing Consultation
Ready Reckoner, Your Rents and Allowances

Build New
Housing crisis - the case for building new council housing

Defend Security Of Tenure
Defending principles of lifetime tenancies and affordable rents, Housing Emergency, Responses to consultation on tenancy reform

Fair Debate
Fair and Balanced Debate
DCH Publications
Search database of DCH publications, Press releases/Email broadcasts, Parliamentary Reports/Submissions, Briefings, Open Letters and Petitions, Newspapers, Pamphlets and Reports

Resources For Local Campaigning
Examples of Local Material, Cartoons to download,
How to Campaign

Useful External Resources
Latest Press, Latest Reports and Publications,
Links to useful websites

Stock Options
Questions to ask on options appraisals, Find out which councils are doing what
What You Can Do
The campaign needs your help - what you can do

Wales, Scotland

Tenants Movement
History of the Tenants Movement

About Us
About, Contact, Parliamentary Group, DCH Conference

Lobby of Parliament 2006
Hills and Cave reports 2007
Housing and Regeneration Bill 2007/08
Labour Conference 2008
Alan Walter Memorial
Read PDFs Defend Council Housing
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