Publisher |
Title |
Published |
Author |
Search Phrases |
Labour Party |
Labour's Social Housing Review and call for evidence |
22 December 2017 |
Housing Finance,Tenants Movement,Build Council Housing,Decent Homes,Accountable,Demolition,Rents |
4758 |
Keith Taylor Green MEP south east England |
Everyone knows we have a housing crisis: let's do something about it |
19 March 2015 |
Keith Taylor MEP |
Housing Finance,Affordable,Build Council Housing |
3403 |
Green MEP calls for council house building and rent control to tackle the growing housing crisis. |
Class |
Election 2015 briefing - Housing |
19 February 2015 |
Class |
Affordable,Build Council Housing,Rents,Private Development |
3337 |
Call for a committment to build a target of council house building as part of Labour's manifesto. Lots of facts and figures on the housing crisis 2015 and how to tackle it. |
Unite the Union |
MIPIM - Carving up our Communities |
14 October 2014 |
Unite London |
Housing Finance,Affordable,Tenants Movement,Build Council Housing,Campaigning,Decent Homes,Demolitio |
3219 |
How developers are carving up public land, and why tenants, trade unions and campaigners demand councils and public bodies boycott the event and join the campaign to build council housing. |
Shelter |
Local decisions on tenure reform |
31 July 2012 |
Secure,Affordable,Legal,RSLs,Rents,Means Testing,Waiting Lists & Homeless |
2464 |
Councils are consulting on new tenancy policies, based on new powers in the Localism Act. This report sets out arguments against replacing permanent, secure homes, to fixed-term tenancies, and questions councillors and tenants should ask when preparing Tenancy Strategies and landlord Tenancy Policies |
Shelter |
Bricks or Benefits? Rebalancing housing investment |
23 May 2012 |
Kate Webb |
Housing Finance,Affordable,Build Council Housing,Rents,Means Testing |
2465 |
Charts the shift away from investment in new affordable homes, to higher spending on housing benefit to subsidise soaring rents.
Bricks or Benefits? shows that the only sustainable way to bring down the cost of housing benefit is to cut the cost of housing.
By investing in the supply of homes we can bring housing costs down and lift low-income households out of the benefit trap. This would help millions of hard working families and deliver a better deal for taxpayers. |
The new green team: Local government, sustainable energy, jobs and skills |
08 October 2011 |
Decent Homes |
2466 |
A report written for public services trade union UNISON and supported by the TUC, showing how investment in greener and more energy efficient buildings, homes and services can be paid for, creating jobs and improving services. It includes examples such as Wrexham Council's programme to reduce fuel bills by fitting solar panels on council homes. |
The Smith Institute |
End of the affair: Implications of declining Home Ownership |
23 June 2011 |
Stock Transfer,Affordable,RSLs,Rents,Sale of Assets,Private Development,Waiting Lists & Homeless |
1972 |
Documents the decline in home ownership and predicts on current trends owner-occupation will fall by 2 million to 15.5 million by 2020. Argues housing associations should become bigger private sector landlords.
Report was financially supported by 30,000 - home Genesis Housing Association
Pricewaterhouse Coopers and Smith Institute |
Making the most of HRA reform |
23 June 2011 |
Housing Finance,Rents,HRA Review,HRA Opt Out |
1973 |
Communities and Local Government (CLG) |
Impact Assessment for Affordable Rent |
09 June 2011 |
Housing Finance,Secure,Affordable,Shared/Intermediate |
1974 |
New housing association 'affordable rent' fixed term tenancies with up to 80% market rents, will lead to big increases in total housing benefit costs to cover high rents.
The housing benefit cost is £553m over a 30-year appraisal period; over £18 m a year.
This is to be offset by lower public subsidy of new homes built by RP (registered providers or housing associations)
Also see Full Equalities Impact Assessment:
http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/housing/pdf/1908006.pdf |
Shelter/Heriot Watt University |
Security of Tenure in Social Housing: an International Review |
10 May 2011 |
Suzanne Patrick; Hal Pawson |
Secure,Rents,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Worklessness,Means Testing,Stigmatising,Waiting Lists & |
2202 |
Shows ineffectiveness of Fixed Term tenancies when used in similar conditions in New South Wales |
Local Decisions: Summary of responses to consultation |
28 February 2011 |
Secure |
1750 |
Implementing self-financing for council housing |
01 February 2011 |
Housing Finance |
1752 |
"This document sets out the rationale, methodology and financial parameters for our reforms to the council housing finance system in England - self-financing. It also outlines the wider policy context, including those policies that will support the successful implementation of this devolved system."
Hansard |
Second reading of Localism Bill - record of debate |
17 January 2011 |
Secure |
1590 |
Shelter |
Shelter response to: Local Decisions - a fairer future for social housing January 2011 |
03 January 2011 |
Secure,Affordable,Legal,Rents,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Means Testing |
2211 |
Parliament |
Localism Bill |
13 December 2010 |
,Secure,Housing Finance,HRA Opt Out |
1580 |
Mixed Communities: Evidence review |
22 November 2010 |
Secure |
1573 |
To date the evidence is limited that neighbourhood has a large effect on individual outcomes, over and above individual and household factors. Nor is there robust evidence that neighbourhood mix per se or changes to mix (over and above other neighbourhood characteristics) is influential&
There are two principal mechanisms by which low income residents might be expected to benefit from mixed community approaches: area resources and social interactions. There is limited evidence that the new resources that may come with higher income residents (e.g. shops) either materialise or are beneficial to people on low incomes.& a consensus is emerging that groups tend not to actually mix. Mixed communities are more likely to deliver shared spaces, than to create broader social networks, positive role models and job finding opportunities&.It is not yet known whether the benefits of mixed communities (as opposed to other approaches) are justified by the costs& there are opportunity costs (for example in temporary or permanent loss of social housing or public assets). There may also be social costs, particularly displacement. |
Local decisions: a fairer future for social housing |
22 November 2010 |
Affordable,Secure,Housing Finance,HRA Opt Out,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions |
1570 |
Consultation paper on proposals to remove security of tenure for new council and HA tenants, and introduce HA tenancies at 80% of market rents; also self-financing reform of the HRA. |
Homes and Communities Agency |
Decent Homes Backlog Funding for Council Landlords 11-15 |
11 November 2010 |
Stock Transfer,ALMO,Decent Homes,Housing Finance |
1565 |
Proposals to make decent homes funding available to all councils with more than 10% homes non-decent, regardless of management arrangements - including those areas which voted no to transfer or ALMO. BUT not enough money - councils must find money to make last 10% of homes decent themselves. |
Review of social housing regulation |
18 October 2010 |
Accountable,RSLs,Tenant Services Authority,Tenants Participation |
1536 |
Widening the Rental Housing Market |
16 August 2010 |
Private Development,Affordable,Secure,Ownership |
1482 |
Makes useful point that the 'golden age of home-ownership' is at an end. However this report is basically pushing the idea of intermediate renting (especially public land being given away to create homes for intermediate rent); means-testing existing council and housing association housing; and creating a two-tier system with explicitly lower-quality housing for those living in council/RSL housing. Examples show how RSLs putting more and more effort into everything except managing social housing and are lobbying to diversify; also example of Local Housing Company proposed in Birmingham. |
National Audit Office |
PFI in Housing |
25 June 2010 |
PFI,Decent Homes,Social Housing,Build,Financial Problems,Housing Finance,DCLG,Audit Commission/NAO |
1437 |
Shelter |
The forgotten households: Is intermediate housing meeting affordable housing needs? |
12 June 2010 |
Shared/Intermediate |
1449 |
"Over the past five years the schemes have received huge amounts of government subsidy and accounted for 42 per cent of all affordable housing built, yet the report reveals that at least 866,000 low-income households are unable to afford even the cheapest government schemes...The average wage of households accessing low-cost home ownership is between £28,000 and £32,000, significantly higher than the national average wage of £21,700 and completely out of reach for households earning an average of just £16,000 a year...Shelter is calling on government to refocus investment from low-cost home ownership towards delivering more social rented housing and raising standards in the private rented sector where excluded households live." |
National Housing Federation |
The Social Impact of Poor Housing |
28 April 2010 |
Waiting Lists & Homeless,Impact of good housing |
1421 |
Council housing: A real future (consultation) |
25 March 2010 |
Build Council Housing,Decent Homes,Housing Finance,HRA Review,Robbery,HRA Opt Out |
1400 |
Consultation on detailed self-financing reforms; with links to other supporting documents |
Who should build our homes? |
15 December 2009 |
Local Housing Company,Private Development,Build,Property Values,Credit Crunch |
1351 |
Responses to recession and housing crisis all beginning from principle of ignoring the obvious (ie build council housing). Promotes various forms of public-private partnership, increased public subsidy for private investors, etc. |
HRA Reform: the really big issues |
09 September 2009 |
Housing Finance,HRA Review,Robbery,HRA Opt Out |
1295 |
Govt reform plans will increase total council housing debt of £18bn, this is wrong. Calls for increase in amount allowed for management and maintenance. |
Compass |
Don't Bet the House on it: no turning back to housing boom and bust |
01 September 2009 |
Credit Crunch |
1297 |
The reform of council housing finance |
01 September 2009 |
Housing Finance,HRA Review |
1313 |
Reform of council housing finance: Consultation |
21 July 2009 |
Housing Finance |
1881 |
Report of review into council housing finance and first consultation on self-financing as a proposed solution |
Briefing on Review Statement |
04 July 2009 |
Stock Transfer,Fourth Option,Housing Finance,HRA Review,Robbery,HRA Opt Out |
1254 |
Funding Breakthrough - now government must deliver. Govt offers level playing field with stock transfer but with strings attached of self-financing - tenants will not accept without protections and safeguards |
Unite |
Building Britain out of Recession |
17 June 2009 |
Build Council Housing,Credit Crunch,Trade Unions |
1237 |
Tenant Services Authority |
Building a new regulatory framework |
09 June 2009 |
Social Housing,Affordable,Secure,Accountable,Manage,Rents,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Tenant Serv |
1230 |
Includes attack on security of tenure |
Fabian Society |
In the Mix: Narrowing the gap between public and private housing |
01 May 2009 |
Social Housing,Secure,Worklessness |
1204 |
Welsh Assembly Government |
Developing a modern regulatory framework for Housing Associations in Wales: consultation |
30 April 2009 |
Tenants Satisfaction,RSLs,Governance,Wales |
1203 |
Inside Housing |
Scrap tenancy for life, urges think tank |
24 April 2009 |
Affordable,Secure,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Stigmatising,Tory Party |
1194 |
Localis |
Principles for Social Housing Reform |
21 April 2009 |
Secure,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Worklessness |
1205 |
National Federation of ALMOs |
A future for ALMOs within local communities |
06 April 2009 |
1193 |
Joseph Rowntree Foundation |
The impacts of housing stock transfers in urban Britain (Summary) |
27 February 2009 |
Hal Pawson, Emma Davidson, James Morgan, Robert Sm |
Stock Transfer,RSLs |
1142 |
Joseph Rowntree Foundation |
The Impacts of Housing Stock Transfer (Full Report) |
27 February 2009 |
Hal Pawson, Emma Davidson, James Morgan, Robert Sm |
Stock Transfer,RSLs |
1143 |
Scottish Government |
Housing Supply in Scotland |
06 February 2009 |
Build,Scotland |
1096 |
The Housing Supply Task Force was established in 2007 to identify and tackle impediments to increasing the supply of housing across all tenures so that people across Scotland can access suitable housing that meets their needs and demands. |
The 2020 Group |
Launch document |
01 February 2009 |
Build Council Housing,Social Housing,Build,Credit Crunch,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Shelter |
1182 |
Calls for 100,000 new 'social' homes for rent to kickstart economy etc; includes councils as well as RSLs to build |
The 2020 Group |
Fiscal Stimulus Paper |
01 February 2009 |
Build Council Housing,Social Housing,Build,Credit Crunch,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Shelter |
1183 |
Detailed proposals for extra funding for RSL and council homes |
Consultation on changes to revenue and capital rules for new council housing |
30 January 2009 |
Build Council Housing,Housing Bill,Housing Finance,HRA Review |
1094 |
New Rules to Encourage Councils to Build More Homes |
30 January 2009 |
Build Council Housing,Housing Bill,Housing Finance,HRA Review,Chartered Institute of Housing |
1093 |
Decent Homes in the Social Sector - Statistics Reconciliation Project 2008 |
14 January 2009 |
Decent Homes |
1035 |
CLG report on progress towards achieving Decent Homes |
Local Authority Housing Statistics, England 2007/08 |
01 January 2009 |
Decent Homes,Waiting Lists & Homeless,DCLG |
1034 |
CLG annual report showing new figures on waiting lists and Decent Homes |
Leeds Tenants Federation |
A History of the Tenants Movement in Leeds |
01 January 2009 |
Tenants Movement |
1725 |
DCLG Select Committee |
Oral evidence Housing and the Credit Crunch enquiry |
17 December 2008 |
Credit Crunch |
1009 |
DCLG Select Committee |
Written evidence Housing and the Credit Crunch enquiry |
17 December 2008 |
Credit Crunch |
1008 |
Centre for Social Justice |
Housing poverty |
02 December 2008 |
Kate Davies |
Right to Buy,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Worklessness,Stigmatising,Tory |
967 |
Up to 10 million social housing tenants should be rewarded for decent behaviour by giving them a stake in their property under radical new plans designed to break down the ghettos of Britains council estates, according to a new report from the think-tank set up by the former Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith.
Stock transfer hits 20th anniversary |
01 December 2008 |
Stock Transfer,NHF,RSLs |
1103 |
Upbeat 20th anniversary self congratulations brochure produced by NHF
Facts and
" In 76% of ballots tenants voted
Yes to transfer
" Stock transfer is a success story for
1.16m households by October 2008
thats more than 2.28m people
" Stock transfer has brought in excess
of £14bn of additional investment into
neighbourhoods since 1985
Stock transfer gives:
" Better, modernised homes
" A new landlord which is not-for-profit
" Protection for tenants key rights
" A choice for tenants with a democratic ballot |
Housing Corporation |
Analysing Key Trends in the Supply and Distribution of Social Housing Lettings |
25 November 2008 |
Social Housing,Secure,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Worklessness |
998 |
Refutes some of arguments used in stigmatising council housing: Big drop in number of new lets in council & RSL housing in decade to 2006/07; Despite this |
Housing Corporation |
Low Cost Home Ownership: Affordability, Risks, and Issues |
19 November 2008 |
Shared/Intermediate,RSLs |
1007 |
Examines effect of credit crunch on shared-ownership - problems for potential purchasers lack of mortgage availability and wrong sort of homes; problems for RSLs re falling income. |
07 November 2008 |
Alison Wallace |
Affordable,Ownership,Shared/Intermediate |
921 |
People in shared ownership schemes (shared owners) move less frequently than social or private sector tenants or people buying their home with a mortgage. Some shared owners are able to move on due to improvements in their financial position but many remain unable to afford a mortgage on a whole property. |
Inside Housing |
Estates to be rent-only |
07 November 2008 |
Build,Rents,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Homes & Commmunities Agency |
913 |
Housing Reform Open Letter to Tenants |
21 October 2008 |
Affordable,Secure,Worklessness,Means Testing,Stigmatising,Chartered Institute of Housing |
888 |
07 October 2008 |
Secure,Means Testing,Chartered Institute of Housing |
858 |
Tenant empowerment - What the new regulatory regime must deliver |
01 October 2008 |
Ian Keys |
Waiting Lists & Homeless,Worklessness,Means Testing,Stigmatising |
911 |
recommends market rents, the end of secure tenancies, forcing elderly tenants to leave their family homes once their children grow up, and intrusive advice sessions for tenants designed to bully them into the private sector. All wrapped up in the extraordinary and totally unsupported claim that this has something to do with tenant empowerment (Tenant Empowerment: What the new regulatory regime must deliver, New Local Government Network, October 2008). |
Chartered Institute of Housing |
Review of Council Housing Finance - CIH Submission to the Review |
01 September 2008 |
Housing Finance,HRA Opt Out |
799 |
Social Housing and Worklessness : Qualitative Research Findings |
26 August 2008 |
Social Housing,Secure,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Worklessness,Stigmatising |
800 |
Housing Corporation |
Emerging proposals for the National Tenant Voice |
17 July 2008 |
DCLG,Tenants Participation,TPAS,Tenants Movement |
730 |
Draft proposals for setting up a National Tenants Voice. No mention of the regional conferences in July 2008 that TPAS organised - including the two London events that passed motions setting out terms for democracy and accountability... |
Facing the housing challenge: Action today, innovation for tomorrow |
16 July 2008 |
Local Housing Company,Build,Ministerial Statements |
729 |
Local Government Association |
My rent went to Whitehall |
02 July 2008 |
Fourth Option,Housing Finance,HRA Opt Out,LGA |
737 |
Position paper on council housing finance - endorses several of campaign's key demands |
Responses from the JRF to the Housing Green Paper: Sustainable Home Ownership |
02 July 2008 |
Affordable,Secure,Ownership,Reposession,Property Values |
750 |
Housing market recessions and sustainable homeownership ownership |
02 July 2008 |
Affordable,Secure,Ownership,Reposession,Property Values |
751 |
Evaluation of Social Homebuy Pilot Scheme for Affordable Housing |
12 June 2008 |
Social Housing,Ownership |
691 |
Report into Social Homebuy (shared ownership scheme for RSL and council tenants) - scheme began in October 2005 - by December 2007 only 3 council households had taken it up. |
Joseph Rowntree Foundation |
The Commission on Rural Housing in Wales |
04 June 2008 |
Ownership,Property Values,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Wales |
855 |
Information on housing crisis in rural Wales |
Welsh Assembly Government |
Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group Report (Essex review) |
01 June 2008 |
Sue Essex |
Local Housing Company,Social Housing,Rents,Waiting Lists & Homeless,RSLs,Wales |
856 |
Major review of housing policy in Wales - comparable to Cave review in England - recommends less regulation and higher rents for RSLs. Includes synopsis of housing need and general policy in Wales. |
Understanding demographic, spatial and economic impacts on future affordable housing demand |
27 May 2008 |
Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Hills |
667 |
Citizens Advice Bureau |
Unfinished business: Housing associations compliance with the rent arrears pre-action protocol and use of Ground 8 |
21 May 2008 |
Secure,Reposession,RSLs |
666 |
Report concludes: although rent arrears guidance has reduced number of evictions by RSLs, a small number still avoid protocol and use ground 8; guidance minimal and not always complied with; use of ground 8 increasing in Wales; RSLs increasingly using assured shorthold tenancies; vulnerable tenants and those in low-paid work most at risk; RSLs main reason for using ground 8 is where they would not be likely to obtain possession if they used a discretionary ground; ground 8 is contributing to unnecessary homelessness. |
06 May 2008 |
Build Council Housing,Waiting Lists & Homeless,LGA |
779 |
LGA Report into rising waiting lists and need for councils to be able to build |
Social Housing and Worklessness |
01 May 2008 |
Secure,Hills |
644 |
Report gives evidence to show claims made regarding link between council housing and worklessness are nonsense. Key findings - a) security of tenure improves chances of finding work; b) creating an income/tenure mix will not help situation; c)mobility to look for work isn't an issue d)there is no culture of dependency among council tenants. Also shows real cause of worklessness is insecurity and low pay within 'labour market'. |
Housemark |
ALMOs and the new local government |
01 April 2008 |
John Warburton |
786 |
History & Policy |
Social housing and tenant participation |
01 March 2008 |
Peter Shapely |
Tenants Participation |
850 |
LGA Labour Group |
LGA Labour Group submission to the National Policy Forum, Sustainable Communities |
01 March 2008 |
ALMO,Local Housing Company,Housing Finance,HRA Opt Out,Labour Party |
735 |
Page 13 from document sets out basis for new options... |
History & Policy |
Social housing and tenant participation, Tenant action and tenant participation |
01 March 2008 |
Peter Shapely |
Tenants Movement |
598 |
The government has announced that building social housing is again at the centre of future policy.
Social (largely council) housing was a central part of social policy throughout the twentieth century up to the 1980s.
Local authorities, with central government legislation and finance, were responsible for huge building and slum clearance programmes.
There was a lack of tenant consultation and participation. From the late-1960s, there was increasing tenant dissatisfaction as small groups across the country protested, and trust between tenants and local authorities eroded.
Tenant actions paralleled wider social changes which included an increased awareness of consumer rights and market choices.
The benefits of a policy which encourages 'inclusion' and choice were highlighted with the rebuilding of Hulme in Manchester in the 1990s.
Fabian Society Lecture |
The Future of Social Housing |
05 February 2008 |
Caroline Flint |
Secure,Worklessness,Means Testing |
880 |
Called for 'commitment contracts' from council tenants to look for work |
C:G |
Fabian lecture Work 'commitment contracts' |
05 February 2008 |
Caroline Flint |
Secure,Allocations Policy,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Means Testing,Ministerial Statements |
561 |
First speech by new Housing Minister Caroline Flint to Fabian Society repeated many of Ruth Kelly's February 2007 proposals aimed at stigmatising council tenants and council housing... |
Shelter Cymru |
A Sustainable Option? Home ownership and mortgage possession actions in Wales |
01 February 2008 |
Ownership,Reposession,Property Values,Waiting Lists & Homeless |
854 |
Reviews statistics on housing crisis in Wales where the house price rise in recent years, and mortgage repossession now, are proportionately higher than in England. |
Evaluating Homelessness Prevention |
10 December 2007 |
Heriot-Watt University |
Waiting Lists & Homeless |
503 |
Homelessness acceptances have dropped massively (though they should have risen) since 2003 when govt introduced a new official 'gatekeeping' strategy to reduce the figures; report sympathetic to the govt but still easy to see what's really going on. |
London Councils |
Response to Draft Subsidy Determination 2008/09 |
06 December 2007 |
Housing Revenue Account |
510 |
Shows draft determination means London councils going further into negative subsidy; MRA to fall by 9% despite building costs inflation of 4-5%; continued failure to adequately fund M&M; reducing affordability for tenants. |
Human City Institute |
Hills, Cave and After: Renewing Social Housing |
30 November 2007 |
Hills,Cave |
606 |
Critique of Hills report - evidence from data shows a very different picture of social housing and the reasons for problems - concludes that reducing security of tenure is not the answer. |
Housing Corporation |
Tackling Homelessness: Housing Associations and Local Authorities Working In Partnership |
22 November 2007 |
Waiting Lists & Homeless,RSLs |
492 |
HAs in only 17% of areas had a
significant role in homelessness
prevention; HAs letting to
statutorily homeless households v low - traditional HAs 13% of all general needs lets in 2005-06; 19% LSVT HAs. A large % of councils criticised HAs for not taking 'fair share' of homeless households. Housing associations less involved in the development of local homelessness strategies than current guidance advocates; majority of councils felt partnership working with HAs on homelessness did not work well. |
Housing and Regeneration Bill - Impact Assessment |
19 November 2007 |
Stock Transfer,Legal,Housing Bill,Housing Revenue Account,DCLG,Homes & Commmunities Agency |
482 |
Government CLG |
Housing & Regeneration Bill |
16 November 2007 |
Stock Transfer,Local Housing Company,Private Development,Housing Bill,Ownership,Sale of Assets,Build |
468 |
Firm Foundations: The Future of Housing in Scotland |
31 October 2007 |
The Scottish Government |
ALMO,Private Development,Decent Homes,Right to Buy,Build Council Housing,RSLs,Hills,Scotland |
483 |
'Green Paper' for housing policy in Scotland |
Shelter |
Housing association tenancies |
06 July 2007 |
Stock Transfer,Secure,Shelter |
522 |
Shelter advice on the difference between different kins of tenancies offered by Housing Associations |
Housing Corporation |
RSL Rents by RSL |
01 July 2007 |
Rents,RSLs |
504 |
Housing Corporation info - lists average rents by RSL. Produced every year, to update go to www.rsrsurvey.co.uk |
Housing Corporation |
Rents - comparison with RSL and LA by area |
01 July 2007 |
Rents,RSLs |
505 |
Rents by local authority area - lists all the RSLs active in each area and their average rents and also the LA rent for comparison. Updated every year see www.rsrsurvey.co.uk |
Housing Stock Options Appraisal |
21 May 2007 |
London Borough of Camden |
Decent Homes,Sale of Assets |
481 |
Report to scrutiny with draft stock options appraisal |
Case, LSE |
Ends & Means: The future roles of social housing in England |
20 February 2007 |
Prof John Hills |
Affordable,Secure,Allocations/Tenancy Conditions,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Worklessness,Means Testing |
887 |
Fabian Society Lecture |
The Future of Housing Policy |
14 February 2007 |
Ruth Kelly |
Secure,Ownership,Means Testing,Hills |
879 |
Shelter |
The Path to Success: research on Housing Benefit reform |
01 October 2006 |
Affordable |
1552 |
Examines impact of paying HB direct to tenants in pathfinder areas; concludes doesn't bring rents down; only tiny proportion of rented properties in PRS available to HB claimants |
Smith Institute |
Rethinking Social Housing |
20 July 2006 |
Secure,Worklessness,Means Testing,Stigmatising |
874 |
Proposing to means test and time limit tenancies on the basis that 'social housing' encourages dependancy. |
Housing Corporation |
With the Best of Intentions: Learning from Problem Cases 3 |
01 July 2006 |
Stock Transfer,RSLs,Tenants Participation |
520 |
Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research |
The Demand for Social Rented Housing A Review of Data Sources and Supporting Case Study Material |
31 March 2006 |
Build Council Housing,Social Housing,Waiting Lists & Homeless,Hills |
607 |
Data used by Human City Institute report. Shows reasons for changes in council households resulting from right-to-buy, shortage of new supply and demographic changes in country as a whole; more geographic mobility among council & RSL tenants than 'owner occupiers'; 700,000 'owner occupiers' would prefer to be council tenants;etc. Presents completely different picture than that put forward by Hills' report and others attempting to stigmatise council tenants. |
UK Housing Review |
LSVT transfer receipt |
06 December 2005 |
Stock Transfer,Sale of Assets,Housing Finance,Chartered Institute of Housing |
534 |
Spreadsheet showing number of homes sold, transfer price, council debt, set up costs, useable receipt and net balance |
UK Housing Review |
LSVT transfer receipt (pdf version) |
06 December 2005 |
Stock Transfer,Sale of Assets,Housing Finance,Chartered Institute of Housing |
535 |
Spreadsheet showing number of homes sold, transfer price, council debt, set up costs, useable receipt and net balance |
Basingstoke Council |
Basingstoke: Stock transfer ten years on |
01 October 2005 |
Ian Tilbury |
Stock Transfer,Affordable,RSLs,Governance,Tenants Participation |
528 |
Independent councillor assesses the experience of privatising council homes after ten years. |
Shelter Cymru |
Homelessness and Stock Transfer |
01 September 2005 |
Stock Transfer,Waiting Lists & Homeless |
859 |
Tower Hamlets Law Centre |
Stock Transfer:Essential reading before you choose |
01 June 2005 |
Stock Transfer,Secure,Legal |
523 |
Tower Hamlets Law Centre pamphlet setting out the differences between council secure and RSL assured tenancies. |
Audit Commission |
Financing Council Housing |
01 June 2005 |
Housing Finance,Audit Commission/NAO |
736 |
Argues that present system of financing council housing is 'perverse' and needs to be changed |
The Deputy Prime Minister's letter rebutting a 'fourth option' for Decent Homes |
24 October 2004 |
Fourth Option,Decent Homes,Ministerial Statements |
562 |
Following increasing speculation, the Deputy Prime Minister wrote to the leaders of all stock owning local authorities on 24 October 2004 to state that there will be be no additional investment option (the 'fourth option') to deliver the Decent Homes Standard. |
Housing Studies Association Conference |
Changing Boards: Emerging Tensions |
15 April 2004 |
Liz Cairncross |
Stock Transfer,Accountable,Governance,Tenants Participation |
526 |
Summary of Liz Cairncross research paper on tenant empowerment 'Changing Boards, Emerging Tentions |
Housing Studies Association Conference |
Tenants marginalised and powerless |
15 April 2004 |
Liz Cairncross |
Stock Transfer,Accountable,Governance,Tenants Participation |
527 |
Summary of Liz Cairncross research and paper on tenant board members in RLSs |
Wrexham Council |
The key to your future |
01 November 2003 |
Stock Transfer |
851 |
Estimation of the need to spend on maintenance and management in the Local Authority housing stock |
01 June 2003 |
Building Research Establishment |
Decent,Housing Revenue Account,DCLG |
469 |
ODPM commissioned research by the Building Research Establishment that concluded that government was only funding M&M Allowances to 70% of need |
House of Commons |
Rent rebates and local authority housing revenue accounts |
16 November 2000 |
Wendy Wilson, HofC Library |
Decent,Housing Revenue Account |
470 |
Rent rebates, negative subsidy and Daylight Robbery |
A short history of the tenants movement |
01 August 2000 |
Tenants Movement |
471 |
Grayson, John |
L&T Rev |
Large Scale Voluntary Transfer: not all honey and roses |
01 January 2000 |
Jan Luba |
Stock Transfer,Secure,Legal |
524 |
Jan Luba QC 'takes a further look at some of the more problematic implications of the process for landlord and tenant law'. |
House of Commons Library |
Rent levels, affordability and housing benefit |
22 June 1998 |
Wendy Wilson |
Affordable,Housing Finance,Robbery,Rents |
1039 |
Wythenshawe: chronology of UK tenants movement |
19 January 1900 |
wythit@fsmail.net |
Tenants Movement |
567 |
Short history and chronology of tenants movement |
housing united |
19 January 1900 |
01/01/00 |
Rents,Worklessness,Means Testing |
842 |
Behind the Rent Strike - 1974 |
19 January 1900 |
Tenants Movement |
569 |
Film on the Kirby Tower Hill rent strike against Housing Finance Act 1972 |