Contact MPs and Lords to oppose the Housing Bill and attend the Kill the Housing Bill meeting in parliament on 3rd May. Find MPs and Lords email addresses here or use this link . MPs who oppose the Bill can be invited to join the lobby, and will be able to use letters from constituents as proof of widespread opposition. You can add personal information about how the Bill will affect you and others, which MPs can use in the debate.
Download the model letter/email below.
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23 Apr 2016
Add your support to Kill the Housing Bill. This is an issue for union members across Britain, trapped in private renting or under threat of attacks on council and housing association housing in the Bill.
Put this model motion here to your union and join resistance to the Housing Bill.
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03 Apr 2016
Campaigners against the Housing Bill are calling on local councils to speak out and organise public meetings. A letter sent to all tenants by Islington Council, led to a meeting attended by 600 people.
All councils and housing associations can and should write to all residents. See Islington letter here.
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19 Mar 2016
1. Contact tenant reps, unions and community organisations, with poster , petition and leaflets 2. Write to local papers, use facebook, hold local meetings 3. Do street stalls and knock doors with petition and leaflets 4.Get in touch for speakers and help:
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07 Feb 2016
Order copies of Kill the Housing Bill leaflet and Briefing now. Leaflets 100=£2.50; 500 = £6; Briefing 50=£2.50; 100 = £5; or get price for more from
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03 Jan 2016
Ask your MP to oppose the Housing and Planning Bill: model letter here, and find MPs details here. Copy to Labour shadow housing minister And to Housing Minister Brandon Lewis MP or, Twitter:@brandonlewis. Or you can writeto them at House of Commons, London WC1A 0AA, or phone 020 7219 3000 and ask for their office.
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13 Dec 2015
Charging market rents for tenant households earning £30,000 a year (£40,000 in London) would penalise tenant family members getting better paid jobs and overtime, and undermine mixed communities. Trade unions will be a key part of a campaign to prevent means testing by Councils and housing associations. Discuss this motion, contact people affected, and get in touch to help organise this campaign
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08 Aug 2015
Homes for all; cut rents not benefits lively, friendly, noisy PROTEST on Saturday 25 July 12-2pm in front of the Point, Central Milton Keynes bring banners, placards, whistles,drums called by DCH/DPAC/Unite Community/MK Against the Cuts
15 Jul 2015
The Tenants and Housing summit 13 June agreed the following:
*a housing bloc on the Peoples Assembly march 20 June: assemble 1 Poultry opposite Bank of England 12 noon
*25 July a day of action against benefit cuts and bedroom tax
*a campaign against the extension of Right to Buy financed by open market sale of council homes
* A national March for Housing and Homes in London
* housing campaigns, hustings and lobbying aimed at Scottish, Welsh, London and other local elections 2015
13 Jun 2015
Tenants and Housing Summit - the Day: Opening session, with Welsh Tenants Federation, Anti Bedroom Tax campaigners, Private Renters, trade unions, Disabled People Against Cuts and Housing Justice Followed by workshop sessions on: 1. Organising against Any More Bedroom Tax, sanctions and benefit cuts - with DPAC and Anti Bedroom Tax campaigners - leaflet here 2. Organising to stop evictions - with anti eviction networks and focus E15 (tbc) 3. Organising a new generation for the homes we need - with Generation Rent, Young GMB London, Streets Kitchens and others 4. Organising against estate demolition and loss of homes - with Fred Wigg and John Walsh Towers, Our West Hendon/Sweets Way, Haringey campaign against demolitions, Aylesbury and other estate campaigns 5. Organising to stop the Right to Buy rip off and win a new generation of council housing With final sessions to agree action plans.
30 May 2015
Cambridge's Housing Crisis meeting with speakers from Generation Rent, Defend COuncil Housing, and Kevin Price Exec Councillor for Housing in Cambridge. Tuesday 28th April, at 7.30, at Ross St Community Centre.
19 Mar 2015
The housing crisis is worsening every week. Mortgages are unaffordable, private renting is insecure, with poor standards and exhorbitant rents forcing more to rely on housing benefit, while council and housing association tenants are threatened by estate demolition and sell offs, bedroom tax and other benefit cuts. We welcome the growing resistance of tenants and trade unions, private renters and the inspiring Focus E15 campaign. We will add our name to the organisations supporting the March for Homes, publicise it widely and encourage members and local tenant/community organisations to take part. Return to or PO Box 33619 E2 9WW
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07 Nov 2014
Minister Eric Pickles describes council estates as 'Brownfield' sites, in the foreword to a Savills research proposal. See London regeneration research proposal, with Introduction by Minister Eric Pickles (the 'Brownfield' reference is on Page 2) Download and sign the petition to demand the Minister apologises, retracts this description of council estates, and withdraws funding from this research.
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28 Aug 2014
Ask your MP to sign NEW Early Day Motion 2677 in Parliament. See Housing Emergency - Time for an Alternative here. Email your MP and ask local union and tenant groups, councillors and campaigners to lobby their MPs too.
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22 Feb 2012
The £30 bn debt settlement and inflation-busting rent formula Government are imposing on Councils, are driving huge rent rises. Tenants, trade unions and councillors rejecting the rent rises, are calling for: * re-opening of negotiation on the debt settlement * changes to the rent rise formula * joint deputations to demand promised £7 bn capital funding backlog If Government can continue to write off Housing HRA debt for stock transfer, we should insist on a similar write-off of debt which has been paid many times over in rent and receipts siphoned off by government
20 Jan 2012
Organise a Public meeting Meetings around the country will challenge rent rises and government attacks on tenancies, rents and benefits: LONDON with Ken Loach director Cathy come Home; Owen Jones author Chavs ; Stephen Battesby Pro-Housing Alliance; Austin Mitchell MP chair Council Housing Group; trade unions, councillors,and tenants. 21 Feb 6.30 House of Commons committee room 14 LEEDS 24 Feb details to follow CAMBRIDGE 16 March 7pm Arbury Community Centre, Campkin Rd HARLOW 29 March details to follow. Others to follow - organise a meeting in your area. Contact for speakers, leaflets and publicity.
20 Jan 2012
Bulk order copies of the new DCH national newspaper (Sept 2011) - includes how to defend secure tenancies; Reform of Council Housing finance; Case against transfer; update on ALMOs; Housing Emergency campaign.
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22 Sep 2011
Put this model motion to your tenants, trade union, political or other organisation and encourage other organisations to discuss it too.
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05 Jan 2011
Get your council to join those who have already pledged not to use new powers to create short-term tenancies, and to oppose up to 80% market rents and benefit cuts, by adopting this Housing Emergency statement.
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19 Oct 2010
If politicians want our votes they will have to guarantee the hard cash to back up their promises (see left). Use the Manifesto to raise council housing as a key issue in the elections - put up posters on your estate; hold a local meeting; and lobby election candidates to pledge support. You can download the manifesto or, better still, we have printed copies available including poster-size to put up on local noticeboards - let us know how many you want!
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01 Mar 2010
Make sure every tenant and trade union rep, councillors and local journalists get to read it (£10; £2.50 for tenants and bulk orders)
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27 Aug 2009
See how much your authority would receive if government agreed to fully funded the allowances for management, maintenance and repairs and Your Rents & Allowances Key Facts Both use CLG 2009/10 Draft Determination data.
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01 Nov 2008
Unlike local authorities we can't dip into the Housing Revenue Account and use tenants rents to campaign. DCH relies on affiliation fees, donations and sale of publications to get the arguments across. Raise support in your tenants association, union branch, Trades Council and political party.
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01 Sep 2008
Put the fight for investment and defence of council housing and secure tenancies on the agenda for all tenants, trade union, Labour Party and other party conferences, TUC and trade union conferences supporting the Fourth Option and condemning any attacks on our secure, lifelong tenancies.
01 Jan 2008
Help make sure that tenants hear the arguments against privatisation and are made aware that there's a growing national campaign uniting tenants, trade unions, councillors and MPs to fight for council housing. Distribute material at all tenants, trade union and important political meetings in your area/region email to discuss and get material posted to you.
01 Jan 2008
The need for direct investment to improve existing and build new council homes alongside the threat to our life-long secure tenancies affects council tenants in every area. Organise a local public meeting with a broad platform of politicians, tenants and unions to rally support and defend the principles of decent, affordable, secure and accountable council housing. Contact DCH for speakers.
01 Jan 2008