The terrible Grenfell fire is exposing criminal failures and neglect, the impact of savage cuts to public services and the refusal of Kensington & Chelsea and many landlords, to listen to tenants.
Residents say: 'The people who died in the fire deserve justice. We demand answers.'
Justice for Grenfell will be central to a Homes for All protest this Saturday 24 June, assembling 12 noon at Parliament Square SW1P 3AD. See leaflet and Facebook: Axe the Housing Act - secure homes for all
Tenants die when landlords ignore safety warnings from tenants and others - see Grenfell Action Group warning and Fire safety report on 4,000 blocks ignored.
With many people now fearful and questioning the fire safety of their home, everyone living in high-rise and other blocks should be invited to meetings collectively, to decide on next steps.
A new DCH leaflet sets out demands tenants, unions and councillors can argue for, now. These include stripping off all combustible cladding, and a residents' vote before any redevelopment. See Tenants die when landlords don't listen leaflet here.