A Vote for homes news conference will present a grass-roots case for action not gestures to guarantee the homes we need.
Housing campaign groups will include Defend Council Housing, Generation Rent, One Housing Tenant Action Group, St Michael's Gate Peterborough, housing worker and co-op reps and others.
News conference: 12 noon 25 May 2017
at London Welsh Centre
157-163 Grays Inn Rd, Holborn, London WC1X 8UE
Followed by:
March for Homes election protest
5pm, Thursday 25th May at Parliament Square London SW1P 3AD
Protestors will sign a real pledge for homes, and bring keys (real or cardboard) with our housing messages attached.
See leaflet and Axe the Housing Act general election leaflet including 25th May and 24th June protests leaflet here.
Notes to Editors: Axe the Housing Act links tenants of all tenure (council, housing association, private renters, Travellers), Defend Council Housing and other housing and homelessness campaigns, trade unions, faith groups and individuals.
See www.axethehousingact.org.uk; email info@axethehousingact.org.uk; call Glyn Robbins 07411 557097
Further information from www.defendcouncilhousing.org.uk
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Labour Conference meeting
Housing Act Summit 22 October
Oppose NoHousing Bill
Right to Buy2: Stop sell-offs
Southwark march 25 March
Council Housing: Time To Invest
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