The crisis lack of really-affordable and secure homes Housing Crisis survey will worsen sharply, as Government housing policy sharply slashes investment for new rented council and housing association homes. A national meeting of tenants, trade unions, councillors and campaigners in Manchester on 23 July will discuss a strategy to resist attacks on council housing and win investment in existing and future homes.
Latest shocking figures in a UK Housing Review briefing paper show that out of over £44bn planned housing investment 2016-2020, only about £2bn will now go to 'sub-market' rented housing. Around £6.4bn will go to Starter Homes and shared ownership housing. All of the rest is directed at subsidies through grants, loans and more to developers and lenders, for first-time buyers or to 'stimulate' the private market.
The meeting in Manchester, open to all supporters, will also debate the growing opposition to Government plans to tax tenants through 'Pay to Stay', sell off council homes, end new build homes for rent and encourage clearance of estates - see Housing Act Briefing.
Dates 23 July DCH national meeting - all welcome. 1-5pm Collier Room, Manchester Methodist Central Buildings, Oldham St M1 1JQ 26 September DCH meeting at Labour conference Liverpool-let us know if you can help leaflet 22 October Axe the Housing Act summit to discuss impact and opposition to the Act, with councils, housing association boards, tenants, leaseholders, housing campaigns, trade unions and others