A new generation of council housing will be high on Labour's agenda following the election of Jeremy Corbyn MP as leader. DCH will take the campaign to Labour's conference this week: see leaflet here. Trade unions, Bedroom Tax and benefit campaigns, private renters, delegates and politicians will discuss the next steps to oppose Government plans and win investment in council housing at a DCH meeting: 6pm Tue 29th at Friends Meeting House Brighton, Ship St BN1 1AF.
Then on 4 October join Defend Council Housing in a housing contingent on the big TUC People's Assembly march in Manchester. The DCH Contingent assembles 12.30pm by the National Computing Centre, Oxford Rd, M1 7EF.
The People's Housing Conference 10 October 10-5 at Friends Meeting House Euston Rd in London, will bring together tenants, trade unions and housing activists. DCH with Unite the Union, the People's Assembly and many others are collaborating to build on the growing housing movement. For details and to book see The People's Housing Conference.
And housing and health campaigners will join protests 21-23 October in Olympia, West London, when developers gather to buy up public land: see more information and leaflet here.
Other information
DCH meeting 29 September in Brighton:leaflet here
Sign up to resist attacks on council housing, along with Jeremy Corbyn, Caroline Lucas, councillors, trade unions and tenants: see statement
And pass this statement against means testing by Councils and housing associations - see model resolution.
Further information from www.defendcouncilhousing.org.uk
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Labour Conference meeting
Housing Act Summit 22 October
Oppose NoHousing Bill
Right to Buy2: Stop sell-offs
Southwark march 25 March
Council Housing: Time To Invest
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