Labour's target to build 200,000 homes a year will not be achieved without large scale council house building. This was the message from many of the meetings around Labour conference, including a large and lively DCH meeting. Investing in improving existing council homes, bringing empty private housing and land into use with secure tenancies at council rents, and large scale council house building are essential to meet current housing need.
The fight against demolition, privatisation and sell offs is stepping up. In Salford tenants are expecting voting to begin in the next week, on the sell off of council homes to a private housing company Salix Homes, with loss of secure tenancies, lower rents and an accountable landlord. See campaign meeting report.
Empty council flats have been occupied by Focus E15 women on Carpenters Estate in east London, to demand the estate is repopulated with secure tenancies. The estate has been part-emptied for demolition and redevelopment - read more. Campaigners are highlighting good-quality council homes threatened with demolition to make way for high density rebuilding including private house building. With 50+ more London estates threatened with demolition, wide and growing support for the occupation means more such protest action is likely.
Ministers and developers want to redefine council housing as 'brownfield' sites for private redevelopment: see Minister's foreword to Savills research proposal, page 2 and petition here. A four day House of the Commons event 9-12 October on the UK housing crisis held in Oxford city centre with DCH and other speakers, workshops and skill-shares, is timed to offer a counter-narrative to and promote action against MIPIM, the worlds biggest property fair, which is coming to London for the first time the following week. See details.
Protest will focus on the MIPIM property fair 9am 15 October, when it is opened by London Mayor Boris Johnson: details here . Tenants, Bedroom Tax and Benefit Campaigners will also be on the TUC demonstration 18 October in London, to add demands for fair benefits and the homes we need. Bring banners - info here .