While Government attacks tenants' rents, tenancies and benefits, Councils are threatening privatisation of tenants' homes. Salford, Durham, Gloucester, Northampton, Lewisham and Lambeth are among councils proposing stock transfer of some or all council housing to a Private Registered Provider (housing association) in 2014.
A national DCH meeting on 11 January in Manchester will build support for campaigns against privatisation, and organise next steps in the fight to defend secure tenancies and low rents, and stop the sell off of council housing.
Tenants, trade unions, councillors and campaigners against stock transfer, are asked to come to the DCH national meeting 11-4.30pm Sat 11 January at Manchester Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount St M2 5NS. 11am-1pm: How to beat privatisation; 1.30-4.30pm: next steps in the fight for council housing.
Local groups campaigning against the Bedroom Tax will meet a week later, Sat 18th January 12 - 4.30pm in Birmingham Paragon Hotel, 145 Alcester Rd Paragon Hotel, 145 Alcester Street, Birmingham B12 0PJ to discuss:Organising to stop evictions, Co-ordinate protests March/April 2014, and ending the Bed Tax in 2014. Contact benefitjustice@gmail.com for more details.
Has your MP signed Early Day Motion 662 to suspend the Bedroom Tax? Contact your MP
Have a good Christmas - it will be a busy 2014!
Further information from www.defendcouncilhousing.org.uk
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