Councils and housing associations face growing pressure to campaign against the Bedroom Tax, and ensure tenants are not evicted due to housing benefit cuts. After a meeting of 36 Councils last week, tenant reps across Britain are calling on Councils and housing associations to join the opposition.
Tenants are signing a letter to organisers of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) conference, calling on landlords to oppose the Bedroom Tax and invite a tenant to speak at the event in Manchester 25-27 June. The letter says: While Housing Association and Council Landlords from across the country meet in Manchester for the Chartered Institute of Housing conference, the crisis of housing policy and provision is deepening. Increasing numbers are not paying the Bedroom Tax - because we have not got the money.
To pay the Bedroom Tax would mean living below the poverty line. Malnutrition will be the outcome. Yet threats of eviction to make us pay the Bedroom Tax still persist.
We are asking the housing providers to join with tenants, in defence social housing, and in opposition to the Bedroom Tax. We ask to address the conference for a few minutes to explain the views of the growing number of tenants who are actively opposed to the Bedroom Tax.
The CIH conference is ten days after a West Midlands march in memory of Stephanie Bottrill, the 53 year old grandmother from Solihull who killed herself in despair due to the Bedroom Tax. The Birmingham march, on Saturday 15th 12 noon from Chamberlain Square, will see banners from around Britain - details here
DCH is part of the Anti Bedroom Tax and Benefit Justice Federation, and campaigns for investment in existing and new Council housing. Removing the unjustified 'historic' housing debt burden on Councils would let them build a new generation of first class, secure and really-affordable council housing.
What you can do Sign the letter to CIH conference organisers - email Join the Birmingham march Sat 15th 12 noon Chamberlain Square B3 3DH - details here Join DCH and Anti Bedroom Tax Federation at the Peoples Assembly 22 June in London to campaign against benefit cuts and for Council housing. Other Dates Sat 13 July 7pm Tommy Sheridan of Anti Bedroom Tax Federation Scotland, and Jane Aitchison PCS with Eileen Short on How to stop assault on Welfare, part of the Marxism Festival Labour Conference meeting Tue 24 September 6pm at Brighthelm Centre, North Rd Brighton