Leeds is the latest Council under pressure to help tenants avoid the Bedroom Tax.
Councillors in Leeds face growing demands to prevent any eviction of tenants hit by benefit cuts - see Leeds Hands Off Our Homes. The Council are now preparing to 'redesignate' 865 homes as having one less bedroom so some tenants avoid the Bedroom Tax - see Leed Council report here.
Leeds is one of several towns and cities organising another protest against the Bedroom Tax on 20th April. Tenants, trade unions and disabled peoples organisations in the united Benefit Justice campaign are also supporting the 13th April UKUncut protests against the Bedroom Tax
A Benefit Justice summit 11 May at Central Hall Westminster will bring together anti Bedroom Tax and other benefit campaigns across Britain, with Welsh Tenants Federation, Billy Hayes CWU union, John McDonnell MP, Disabled People Against Cuts, Chris Baugh PCS, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow and other anti Bedroom Tax campaigns.
Notes Benefit Justice brings together tenants groups, disabled peoples organisations, trade unions and benefits campaigners in a united campaign. Updates on the Benefit Justice summit at benefitjustice.wordpress.com and see poster here
Further information from www.defendcouncilhousing.org.uk
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